Thursday, January 31, 2008

How did I get here?

Now, that I'm crawling everywhere, I get into some weird situations. I like getting under the tables, but then I can't get out. I make Mommy move the couch so I can squeeze through :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

One of my new skills

Please excuse my Mommy and Daddy's singing- at least you don't have to listen to it everyday! They tried so hard to get me clapping on camera, but I like to make them work for it!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Where's my shoe?

I can't figure out where I left me shoe and sock- have you seen them? Mommy said that I left them just like this. I've been learning to play the piano, drums, saxophone & guitar at the same time! Then, I sing along with the baby in the mirror. My favorite songs are "If you're happy and you know it", "Itsy-bitsy Spider" and "Old McDonald has a farm". It's so much fun- thanks to Mimsi and Pops for my toy!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Things I learned in Pittsburgh

First, I got to check out the beer list...but Mommy said I couldn't have one.
Then, I showed off my awesome clapping skills.
I think there was football on and there was a "TOUCHDOWN!" Daddy tells me I'll get to watch the Super Bowl with him soon so I'm warming up my arms.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Where's my food??

Sometimes, my mommy doesn't get my food to me quick enough and I have to resort to eating my tray. Usually, it tastes like whatever I had the day before.

In this case, bananas appeared in front of me and I love to stuff them in my mouth!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Road Trip!

Mommy and I are in Pittsburgh, PA with my Grandpa Gette, who is recovering after surgery last week. It's nice to spend time with him and Grandma (and Aunt Leanna was here too!), but I can't wait for him to feel better. It's snowing here too! I've never seen snow before so it's exciting. Here's a picture of where we're staying, where Grandpa is & me in a snow suit. Sorry if the quality is bad, but they were taken with Mommy's phone.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Wow- 9 months!

Woo-hoo! It's my 9-month birthday!
I wish you could all be here to celebrate with me, but...
there's "more" to come! (This is me doing the sign for "more". Mommy and Daddy are teaching me to sign!)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What did I do??

All this stuff was here when I got here- I swear! I don't know who made this mess, but I'll help you clean it up, Mommy!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Welcome 2008!

Good-bye Texas! I had a great time visiting and look forward to my next trip already. I'm sorry if I didn't get to see all of Mommy's friends. The week went so fast and I needed some sleep to catch up from all the playtime! We've been MIA because Mommy and me got very sick. It was not fun- fevers, runny noses, & coughs, but we're better now! I blame the weather- cold one day, 80 degrees the next. When will Spring be here?

I look forward to this year and the many changes I will go through. I am still waiting for my first tooth! And I can't wait to walk- I'm already getting into so much stuff by crawling, but it's not fast enough for me. Mommy and Daddy can still catch me, but most of the time, they let me get into everything :) Books are my favorite by far to pull off the shelf- Daddy is very proud. Please continue to follow my life and enjoy!