Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Look what I am learning to do!

RIDE A BIKE!! Thanks to Grand Daddy Pope & Grandma Teresa for this cool bike (it was a Christmas present, but I wanted to wait until it warmed up to use it). Thanks also to my friend Ayla for letting me have her helmet that was too small for her. Safety first!
At first, I was a little wobbly and had trouble steering so Mommy was there for support.
We got pretty far and she only had to hold one side after a while, but my favorite part was braking- I am pretty cautious when trying new things.
The next day I took Spotty the Frog along for the ride and look- no help!
Daddy just got to watch and be proud of me!
Sometimes I needed a little support, so Daddy was right there with a helping hand.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thanks to...

MaGa & Grandpa Gette for the awesome birthday gift! It was a nice surprise to find this sand & water table on our front porch one afternoon.With just water in it, I had fun scooping
and filling the boat.
Then, we added sand to it for more fun with all my sand toys & molds (the sand & water do not stay on separate sides though :)
My neighbor & friend, Campbell, came over to splash water on herself and her Daddy!
Another thanks to Mommy for bringing push-ups and popsicles to my class at school for my birthday. My friend, Leila, and I really like the orange push-ups!
My friends, Lily & Kaitlyn preferred the popsicles.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Teddy Bear Tea Party

Another part of the Come See Me Festival was the Teddy Bear Tea Party- it was supposed to be outdoors in the President's Garden at Winthrop, but rain moved it indoors to McBryde Hall. It was beautifully decorated and full of fun stuff!

I am waiting with bear to get checked on by the nurse or doctor
The nurse fixed her up with a bandage on her leg as Kaitlyn waited with her bear
The Winthrop Eagle is my favorite mascot and he gives great hugs..
..until he tries to bite my head off!
This peacock was very friendly and even talked to me
The star had a mouth, but didn't speak
Glen & Glenda Frog are the main characters of the festival so it is really important to get your picture taken with them
I wasn't too sure if this was the real Snow White..
Of course, I had to get a tattoo, one of my favorite things
Then, Kaitlyn and I posed with our bears and the bunny
Instead of tea, they had apple juice, which I think is much better anyways
We were starting to lose our momentum here
but got it back in time for pictures with our mommies!
We even helped make some tea for our bears!
Stir it up with just the right amount of sugar & milk..
share with a friend...
and save the last sip for me!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Come See Me Festival

The Come See Me Festival is a 10-day long celebration in Rock Hill. There is so much to do and we try to do as much as we can.

My friend Ayla and I took Gnocchi the kitty to the park for Musical Mania.
Isaac joined us to play hand bells
Every celebration must have a parade and we had seats front and center for it
The doggies were my favorite part, although I enjoy seeing them but not always touching them
The little noisy cars are not one of my favorite things
The Winthrop Eagle always makes me smile & he poses quite well
Next, we were onto a frog jump where I had a real frog to compete in a race- not sure if Jumpy won because he went a little off-course
My friend, Kaitlyn and I had to ride the helicopters
Look at how fast we can go!
There was a little farm to jump and play in too!
At lunch during the week, we got to sit and listen to some good music- it's nice to have a good friend (Hollis) to share the blanket with
But it's more fun to wrestle in the grass with Kaitlyn!
Too much play makes me hungry so I have to recharge with a sandwich
So that we could get out and DANCE!
Everything Trucks was another event that sounded fun but was loud with all the horns honking! I took a break in one of my favorites, a school bus
Do you think I could be a Junior Paramedic? I also loved the ambulances.
I also had to get a picture next to Daddy's favorite beverage.