I'm sitting here in a rapid warming house, waiting for Eleanor to get up so we can go to a playdate. Yes, I am going to a playdate. It's part of "Monday is Dad's Day" around the Pope house. Sarah has taken a job where she works a 12 hour Monday, but that's it; she doesn't work any other days of the week. My schedule is flexible enough where I can work around that and stay at home with Eleanor. So far, it's a win-win-win. Sarah gets a day away, even if it is working. She gets to interact with other adults and not sweat childcare. I get a day where it's just my daughter and I. It's good bonding time for us. And, I also get to be the stay at home parent for a day, which makes me appreciate what Sarah does the rest of the week even more. I'd like to think Eleanor likes it, too, although she has been saying "mommy" a lot today. Finally, it's good extra income for the family.
Today we went for a walk in Cherry Park this morning, which was cut a little short when Eleanor hit her nose on her stroller as we played peekaboo. That made her cry and generally threw her all out of sorts, so we went on to the grocery store. She loves to sit in the carts shaped like cars, but this time she was more interested in helping me with the grocery list (i.e. scribbling on it and herself with my pen) than driving. Still, it kept her occupied long enough for us to get our stuff and get out.
We're trying to transition Eleanor to a single, afternoon nap, one right after her lunch. Thus far it's worked swimmingly. Today she's been asleep for over two hours! Sarah said she did the same yesterday, but I was at the movies. I finally got to see The Dark Knight. Awesome!
We have lots of Key West photos and stories to share. Sarah, Eleanor and I will get to them over the next week or so. We had a great time and Eleanor did great. She's really a wonderful traveler!