Sunday, August 30, 2009

Me and my first friend

I'm talking about my buddy, Claire, and the reason she was my first friend is because my Mommy used to baby-sit her before I was born. Mommy considers her to be her practice daughter- and now she's 4 years old!

Here she is in Feb. 2007 kissing me in my Mommy's belly
Now, here we are at my Daddy's work picnic, sharing juice boxes and a chair
My juice box is saying Cheese!
It's so beautiful out at Winthrop Lake, but our mommies made sure we didn't go too far (into the water!)
The only water we got near was the bubbles- Claire doing a great job blowing them & I'm drinking them :)
There is nothing like a big hug from a great friend! (And the cookie is really great too!)

Another happy birthday... my Grandpa Gette!! And I would be an awful niece if I also didn't wish a belated happy birthday to Aunt Jen (Mikayla's mommy) from Thursday! There are just so many family birthdays this week that it's hard to catch up! I hope you all had wonderful days and I want you to know how much I love you! Hugs and kisses!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to you...

happy birthday to you, happy birthday, cousin Mikayla, happy birthday to you!! I can't believe you are 3 years old today. Watch out, I'm catching up with you...

Budding Photographer

I like to try and take my own pictures now, so you might see less pictures of me- sorry. Enjoy my work:

My friend, Joshua, playing with my trains
The main man, THOMAS!
Jacob making his best fish face
Henry, Stanley & Emily in for a quick stop at the Great Waterton station
Taking pictures is hard work and many Dora band-aids always make everything feel better!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our weekly fun!

Here's just a few of the things that go on around the Pope house:

Emily is reading a Dora book to me and Ayla
Close-up of Mommy's new hair color
Mommy and I building a castle for the animals to live in. This is Zebra's bed
Shhh, the animals are sleeping under their paper towel blankets.

Friday, August 21, 2009

When Mommy & Daddy are away..

I play at Grand Daddy and Grandma Teresa's house! Sorry there are no pictures from that, instead you get to see what my Mommy & Daddy did in Atlanta. We all had a great time and look forward to our next vacation from each other- although my poor mommy needs more kleenex next time when saying good-bye. I patted her on the back and assured her that it was going to be OK. I thought this was supposed to be harder on me- guess I was wrong..

Daddy at Turner Field, home of the Atlanta Braves
Not a bad self-portrait of Mommy & Daddy
It's better when someone else takes the picture though- check out their awesome view! Thanks, Craigslist, for the good tickets!
Even though the Braves lost 3-2 to the Phillies, there was a nice fireworks show to end it all.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Little Momma

The other day, Mommy and I went to the Dollar Store. She said I could pick out one thing. She kept encouraging a bouncy ball, but I really wanted this baby. I told Mommy I would take really good care of her. Here's me and baby (no name yet) watching a Baby Dance video.
I really love her!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Of course, it's the natural thing to do.. read a book on the potty!
Mommy and Daddy are VERY proud of me, as I peed in the big potty for the first time this week. I also enjoy wearing my Dora panties (thanks Cousin Mikayla) around the house. I am getting the feeling of being wet which is helping me to realize when I need to go in the potty. We hope that I can wear panties all the time in just a few short months- cross your fingers!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New place for my books

My former bookshelf was too full for all the books that I have, so it was time for an upgrade. Mommy & Daddy were able to re-use one from the living room by staining it a new shade to match my room. Didn't Mommy do a great job?!
I enjoy reading books to Curious George, especially one about him!
Look, Georgie, you are riding a bike in this one!
It has become a morning ritual for me to watch Curious George at 7:30 am on TV (Daddy is teaching me how to tell time so I can let him know when it's time). It's so much fun to watch the show with my Georgie doll- I love him so much!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Big Girl Cup

I've been practicing drinking from a big girl cup, mainly at the table sitting down :)
Check out my awesome milk mustache!
Do you think I could win a cheesy smile contest?