Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How to change a diaper

First, get your supplies- wipes and new diaper, check, check!
Fold open the diaper and pull out a wipe.
Have Daddy help get your pants off.
Put the dirty diaper in the diaper champ,
pull the handle over,
and viola! The diaper disappears!
Lay down for the new diaper application and SMILE!
Don't forget to put your pants back on!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

From Snow to..

a warm day! Just 4 days after the snow, we're able to enjoy a day at the park in almost 60 degree weather! Wish it would hang around longer, but it's already cooler today. Oh well, spring is only 2 months away! Daddy wasn't feeling well so Mommy and I left the house to let him rest up. Mommy took a photography class in the morning so she was ready to practice what she had learned. Here's some of the best ones (out of over 30! Practice makes perfect, right?)
This is Mommy's favorite happy face one- too bad it's blurry.
I can almost reach it!
Hmm, what should I do next? Slide or swing, tough decisions!
Here's what I think of all these pictures, Mommy!

Here's my time-to-go face!
Look it's an airplane! I told Mommy that it is going to the airport- smart girl!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Day of Two Firsts

It was my first snowy day AND my first presidential Inauguration! Because of the massive amount of snowfall (about 3 inches- do you sense my sarcasm?), Winthrop University closed for the day, so Daddy was able to stay home (woo-hoo!). Look at the snow out our window!
After a delicious breakfast of Inauguration day waffles (Mommy almost dyed them blue and red, but Daddy said no), we journeyed outside to the snow.
Cheese! Where did my boots go?
Our neighbor, Sherry, came over with Smoky the dog and took our first family picture in snow- Thanks Sherry!
I would have stayed out all day in it if Mommy and Daddy would let me! I told Daddy that I wanted to move somewhere that it snowed more often.
I kept asking to do a snow angel (after reading The Snowy Day), but I didn't want to lay down in the snow, so Mommy did it for me and got a nice wet back.
Last, but certainly not least, we welcomed a new President- Barack Obama! And I enjoyed watching some of the Inauguration with Mommy and Daddy although it was boring at times for me- Mommy picked me up once and said, "You can do whatever you want, Eleanor" and I replied, "Down, please." For now, I just wanted to play by myself. Tomorrow, I'll start my bid to be President of the United States.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

I am becoming a pretty good singer, so Mommy tried to get me to sing for the camera. I have a little trouble sitting still, but here it goes:
Take 1:

Take 2:

Take 3:

Friday, January 16, 2009

Have you SEEN it lately?

Not sure how many people know, but I have a 2-colored eye. Mommy finally got a good picture of it so I wanted to show it off to you. Pretty cool, huh?Also, gracias (thank you) to my Godmother Erin Tieman, who sent me this awesome farm that teaches me spanish! Time to take the laundry choo-choo and help Mommy!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Just a typical weekend

A great weekend here with my mommy and daddy, just chillin'- here's a recap:
It's been cold and rainy out, so don't forget your hat and of course, a pretty purse!

Thanks to a great Daddy who reads to me ALL the time! Thanks to Aunt Leanna for the new book: Bad Kitty!

Finish the weekend with this blog post to catch all my loyal readers up on my life! And you thought it was my Mommy who types this up...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My new favorite book

I enjoy reading this train book everyday:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Look who's in...

..pre-school now!! That's right- me! I started on Monday (which was also Mommy and Daddy's 7th Anniversary- congratulations!) at St. John's Methodist in downtown Rock Hill and I'm loving it!Check out all these cool new toys I get to play with! I also get to learn Spanish and continue Kindermusik that Mommy and I had been doing together.
Daddy dropped me off and picked me up on my first day and I was already saying "hola" and "rojo" to him (which is hello and red for the non-Spanish speakers out there). Also, I'm really good at repeating what the teachers said because here's what else I told Daddy: "Eleanor, sit on bottom" and "Eleanor, no table". Mommy asked my teacher, Miss Kimberly, about it and apparently I was not supposed to be sitting on the table or trying to stand on it as well. I'm learning how to act in a social setting, so give me time! Thanks also to MaGa and Grandpa Gette for the beautiful plant/flowers for Mommy and Daddy plus the cool teddy bear that came along with it. It was very sweet of you both.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Famous Daddy

Just wanted to tell you about an article that my Daddy was interviewed for- check it out here!

Happy New Year at the Zoo!

Welcome to 2009! I'm looking forward to many adventures that will be coming my way this year. Thanks to my Mommy and Daddy who will share them with you and to all my wonderful friends and family who read my blog. I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks to Uncle Andre, Aunt Heidi and Cousin Memphis, we have a zoo membership so we drove the hour or so to the Columbia Riverbanks Zoo last Tuesday. It was the last night of the Christmas lights and we didn't want to miss it!
The pink flamingos are loud and stinky, but I enjoyed looking at them:

I agree with Uncle Andre that the penguins are awesome! I could have stayed in there all day long.
I was excited to see the elephants, but they were ready to eat and hanging out by their door. I was "All done" with them after 2 minutes (Mommy thinks I wanted to go back to the penguins!)
Mommy and I took our photo with this tiger- luckily he's just a statue because I don't think a live one would have let us sit on him.
After dark, the lights come on and they are amazing!
I was in awe of their beauty and I just love my tongue!
After dark, you can still see the fishes and I was enthralled! Mommy and Daddy could have walked away and I was happy to watch the fishes. Do you think it's time to go visit Cousin Mikayla in Baltimore and go to the Aquarium, huh?
I found a butterfly who let me sit by it for a break.
Wish I could make a real one of these around here- maybe in February! Bye-bye, snowman, I had a great time at the zoo!