For the Memorial day holiday weekend , we took a quick trip up to Charlottesville to visit Rich & Laura before the arrival of baby boy Miller. They were very accommodating and we had a great time!
I asked Mommy to take my picture next to the pretty flower - no, there are not two of me, I was just holding my picture that I was giving Rich & Laura
While Mommy was eating, I took some pictures for her- here are our wonderful hosts, Rich & Laura (and our car in the background) Mommy & Daddy, of course (Mommy is eating a pickle- how appropriate) There is the polo match, however, we did not know the rules, so it was just horses running back and forth to us, chasing a little ball Daddy took me out after the match to fill in the divots Here I am stomping a divot in Daddy always gives me a nice ride on his shoulders when I get tired Look at those two cute pregnant bellies :) Aunt Jen & cousins Mikayla & Landon drove down to meet us there too- Mommy is practicing balancing two kids Mikayla and I ran around so much that we got tired out- she has a great shoulder for me to lean on! 3 cousins in 1 chair Laura is practicing for her upcoming arrival Rich looks really comfortable holding Landon, who was fascinated with Mommy I can still put on a big smile with no nap Two beauties staying cool under the umbrella We also found a kid size chair to share- we are trying out our ladylike poses Next, we went to the mall play area to spend more time enjoying each other's company Daddy got some practice time with Landon too It's the end of a busy day and we were very tired, hungry girls
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