Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We just got back from spending a couple of days in Savannah, GA, for a conference for Daddy. Luckily, my godfather, John, and his wife, Amelia, live there so we got to spend lots of fun time with them, including going trick-or-treating! Mommy will catch you up on the rest of the week, but she wanted to show you what an adorable bee I was! Thanks to Finn for being a great companion on my first adventure of trick-or-treating! He's a blonde-haired, blue-eyed cutie and he never let go of my hand. I also got to meet Elmo, which was SOOO exciting (notice my Elmo treat basket) and received candy from a princess. I preferred to inspect the candy myself rather than allow them to put it in my basket.

1 comment:

And along comes three... said...

She's looks so cute as a little bee! We lived in Savannah for over a it...and continue to visit yearly! Hope you had a great time!