Friday, May 21, 2010

End of School Performance

First of all, this is the end of my first full year of preschool and I have had an amazing time. Thanks to my wonderful teachers, Mrs. Amy & Mrs. Susan, for their love, guidance & creativity over the year. I have become a better person for all I have experienced at St. John's preschool. Mommy & Daddy are so proud of me! Here's the answers I gave on my end of year certificate regarding the progress I made & what I did this year:
I have learned many things My favorite subject was: Cars
I will try even harder in: Color next year
I have made new friends. Friends are important to me because: I have fun with Kaitlyn & Laila
I tried to be a good friend by: Playing with them
I learned new responsibilities. I learned to: Eat fruit
I am ready to become more responsible at home, too. I would like to: Eat (maybe these questions were asked before snacktime, but Mommy & Daddy hope this happens more!)
I have done my best this year. I am looking forward to a good summer. I plan to: Swimming

Before the performance, Kaitlyn and I were already looking tired.

Here's the first song we sang for our parents, however I only made it through one (I had woken up early this morning and was a little tired):

1 comment:

MaGa Gette said...

I love it....I remember Eleanor's Mom learning that same song in Vacation Bible School when she was little.It made me cry too!!!